Android - Application - First application for beginners with an Hello World tutorial

Let's play a bit with Android and create our first application, in this tutorial for beginners.
We can call this tutorial: Tuto 0.
You could find it on the Android Market.

Open Eclipse.

On the Package Explorer, right click and select:

Android - Installation - On Windows OS and Eclipse

Let's get started with the installation of Android on Windows 7.

Eclipse - Python - Installation of PyDev with a Python Hello World tutorial

Once you finished your installation of Python on your Windows OS,  GNU/Linux or Mac OS, let me tell you how to install it on your favorite IDE, Eclipse.

PHP 5 - Release - The version 5.3.8

After an important bug in the 5.3.7 version, the PHP team released the 5.3.8 one.

It fix some bugs but the most is about the blowfish security:

More info on the officiel website of PHP:

Apache HTTP - Release - New 2.2.20 version

The Apache software fundation released a new version of his popular HTTP server project.
It increases security and comes to fix some bugs.
More info on the officiel website of Apache:

So our installation tutorial has been updated accordingly to this news:

Python 3 - Installing - On Windows 7

First of all, let's download the last version of Python 3 on the official website of Python :

I suggest you to select the last one. And of course to choose the right version of your Operating System (OS).

JavaScript - Closure - Three examples for the price of one

It is possible to pass arguments on a parent function to add these arguments on the nested one.
Can you believe this?
One calls this a closure.

Let's start with an easy example without any closure:

JavaScript - Window Object - The alert() method

In this JavaScript tutorial we will see that the behaviour of the JavaScript alert() method is sometimes not that we can hope.

First of all, let's create a new directory named js and add the myAlert.js script inside:

Symfony 1 - Helper - UrlHelper

Symfony UrlHelpers add some features to the URL management.

In this Symfony UrlHelpers tutorial, we will see how to use them with some examples.

Let's start with the link_to UrlHelper:

Symfony 1 - Routing - Creating a URL with dashes (manually)

A great way to display URLs is to using dashes.

Indeed, it is always better for an human being to see a reading URL instead of a succession of symbols.

That is what we will see in this Symfony 1 tutorial about routing.

Let's take an example.
We want to create a module that represents a tutorial for beginners.


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