Mi-K's blog

Android - Eclair, Froyo and Gingerbread are still the most versions installed on Android devices

According to the official Android Developers website, the version 2 of Android is present on 95.8% of devices.

Version 1: 2.8%
Version 3: 1.4%

Ambitious to develop a project on version 3 with such statistics laugh

PHP 5 - Release - The version 5.3.8

After an important bug in the 5.3.7 version, the PHP team released the 5.3.8 one.

It fix some bugs but the most is about the blowfish security:

More info on the officiel website of PHP:

Apache HTTP - Release - New 2.2.20 version

The Apache software fundation released a new version of his popular HTTP server project.
It increases security and comes to fix some bugs.
More info on the officiel website of Apache: http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/Announcement2.2.html

So our installation tutorial has been updated accordingly to this news:

Symfony2 - Release 2.0

Fabien Potencier and his team launched the first release of Symfony2 Thursday, July 28th 2011.

You can see more details on the official blog: http://symfony.com/blog/symfony-2-0


JAVA SE 7 - Available now ready to download

Today JAVA SE 7 is officially released.

You can download it on the JAVA website:

Mozilla - Firefox - 4 - Number of downloads in real time in the world

The http://glow.mozilla.org/ website tracks all downloads for Firefox 4 since March the 22th, 2011.

You can see each upgrade or download of Firefox 4 in the world.
By clicking on the chart on the left bottom you will see more precise statistics from these downloads.

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