Apache - Continuum - Configuration

After installing Apache Continuum continuous integration tool, you may want to configure it and of course, build your first project with Maven and Continuum.
But you already have a project on SVN, and you wish to use it as well.

No problem you are in the right place.

Software used in this tutorial:

  • Apache Maven 3
  • Apache Continuum 1.4.0
  • Subversion 1.7

Configuration of Continuum with Maven and SVN on Windows


If you don't have a project built with Maven, I suggest to follow this tutorial of "What is Maven?".

We assume that your project has already been added on SVN.
The URL of SVN during our project will be:
Our login is john.
Our password is abc.
It is a fake account and a fake URL, so you have to use yours instead of this example.

You have installed your Continuum tool there:

We can reach the Continuum web console by this URL:

We also have a local HTTP server (such as Apache HTTP), where we can see our project.
For example we can see our project in this place:

Creating a project

As our project is on SVN, we can checkout it in this directory:
The pom.xml is then in this directory.

Open this POM and add the following snippet SCM below the dependencies tag:


There are several ways to set this connection tag, on this Maven SCM page you can see a list of Software Configuration Managements supported.
To be honest, it is not so easy to find the right URL to enter.
Be patient!

On the left menu of Continuum, click Add Project > Maven 2.0.X Project.

As POM URL, enter:
Then click Submit.

A loading icon will appear with a text saying that the pom is checked.
If the POM is correct, you will see information on the group project tuto1.

At the bottom of the page, there is an area with the project.
Click the tuto1 project.

Click the Build now button in Continuum project "tuto1" area.
Or the tiny icon on the right of the Builds definition area.

Click now the Build tab to see the current build of our project.
As the build has just started, you will have a text saying Started for: 2 sec, for example.
Wait a bit, like 15 or 30 seconds and refresh.
If all is OK, a new green Success icon will appear in the State column.

It means that the build has been created!

We can show this by go in this directory:

Inside working-directory there a number as directory.
Let's open it to see files from the tuto1 project, directly checkouted from SVN.

And a new directory named target is now there.
This is where Maven put the build generated from the files just updated or checkouted from SVN.
So open the target directory to see our build: tuto1-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.

Well done, you made it! laugh

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