Python 3 has become an important language nowadays.
So if you haven't installed it yet on your Windows 10 operating system, it's time (it should work as well on Windows 11).
We are going to setup a complete installation in order to be ready using it later.
Let's see that in this Python 3 setting up tutorial.
We are going to set up our computer in order to use the following software:
During the Python setup, choose Customize installation and select everything as follows:
We'll install Python 3.7.5 in the following location:
At the end of the setup, select Disable path length limit.
Then close the Python setup.
You can now see that if you open your Windows Environment variables > Sytem variables > Path, you have 2 new lines:
We've to add 5 other lines either in your User variables or in your System variables (up to you):
The 4 lines for the libraries:
The one for the includes:
So to sum up, in your Environment variables you have now added the 7 followings paths:
From any directory, open a console then type:
Your console will become a Python interpreter.
And you should see for example something like this appears:
PS C:\dev\c++\py\badprog> py Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
If yes, good news, you are in the Python console.
This Python 3 wasn't so complex to install.
Good job, you did it.
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