An easy way to generate getters and setters is to use the Source option within Eclipse Indigo.
For example, create a new file, add the following lines and select them:
int nbPeople; int nbAnimal;
Then right click.
On the menu select Source > Generate getters and setters.
On the new window, click on the right Select All, then Next and Finish.
Your getters and setters are generated for you as follows:
int getNbAnimal() const { return nbAnimal; } int getNbPeople() const { return nbPeople; } void setNbAnimal(int nbAnimal) { this->nbAnimal = nbAnimal; } void setNbPeople(int nbPeople) { this->nbPeople = nbPeople; }
Thanks a lot dear Eclipse
© Badprog - I want to change the world. And I will.
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