PostgreSQL is one of the most known and used SQL server.
We’re going to see how to install it on a Linux opearting system, to be precise on Linux Ubuntu.
To use an NVIDIA GPU (the graphic card processor) you need a CUDA driver.
And if you want to compile a program for a GPU you'll have to use the CUDA toolkit.
Having the Qt Framework as GUI for OpenGL can be helpful of course but sometimes it seems easier to use the native OpenGL functions directly.
This is exactly what we are going to see in this tutorial by mixing Qt and native OpenGL functions.
Lighting is certainly one of the most interesting effect that we can make with OpenGL.
Combined with colors and normal vectors, lighting becomes visually realistic.
In a previous tutorial we set up OpenCV with Visual Studio.
This time we are going to make our first Hello world OpenCV project.
Let's see that.
OpenCV is an interesting library aimed to computer vision.
But before playing with it, it's necessary to set up your IDE.
This IDE will be Visual Studio for this tutorial.
So let's get started.
In the past tutorials about Qt and OpenGL we saw how to deal with some basic tasks.
Let's see this time something a bit more advanced with the QOpenGLWidget class in order to display a scene from a window with a shape.
Playing with colors can be fun but what about textures?
What about something really realistic?
In this OpenGL tutorial for Qt we are going to apply a texture on our dear triangles.
As we saw, in the last tutorial about using a VAO and VBO to handle 2 different objects on the scene with OpenGL, it's possible to have 2 arrays of vertex: one to manage the position and one to deal with the color.
VAO (Vertex Array Object) and VBO (Vertex Buffer Object) were introduced to help programmers since OpenGL 3.0.
So it’s not a recent features but if you just started learning OpenGL it could be very complex to understand.