C++ - Qt Framework - Using QAbstractItemModel with QTableView and QListView

The QAbstractItemModel is usually used with views like QTableView, QTreeView or QListView.

We’re going to see how to use this class in a very easy example.

Python 3 - Generating get and set for C++

Creating get and set can be a tough task.

Indeed if you have like dozen of new properties to add to new classes, it could take hours.

So what about generating them in few minutes with a script?

Let’s see that in this Python scripting tutorial for the C++ language.

C++ - Qt Framework - Using QDataStream

The QDataStream class allows to stock data from an input and give back this data to an output.

Quite interesting when you want, for example, to transfer data from a computer to another.

Let’s see that in this QDataStream tutorial.

UNIX & GNU/Linux - SSH - Communication between client and server

In this tutorial we are going to see how two computers can communicate with each other through the SSH protocol.

Why do we need SSH keys and how to use them?

We will use one computer as Server and another one as Client.

C++ - Visual Studio IDE - Sharing project property sheets on many projects

What is really annoying is to do again and again the same task without having something new to do.

Set a Visual Studio project is one of this thing that you would like to automatize.

The property manager allows us to do this kind of mechanism.

C++ - Design pattern - Command

The Command design pattern creates a list of objects on which we're going to apply a generic method.

It's a bit unusal because an object will request a method as parameter.

This makes the Command design pattern a versatile one but maybe not so easy to handle at first.

C++ - Design pattern - Memento

The Memento design pattern allows an object to retrieve last states of another object.

This is used for example in the undo mechanism.

So it's a very interesting pattern that doesn't use any interface.

But instead it uses an opaque pointer in order to store old states of the main object.

C++ - Design pattern - Strategy

The Strategy design pattern allows to change behaviour of a program depending on a context.

It means that a single class can manage many others without knowing that those classes even exist.

Interesting isn't it?

Let's see that in this Strategy design pattern tutorial.

C++ - Design pattern - Proxy

The Proxy design pattern is in charge of managing another class.

It's like a firewall that you cannot overstep.

There are several reasons to use a Proxy instead of directly another class.

C++ - Design pattern - Mediator

The Mediator design pattern allows to unlink objects from each other.

It's like a manager that centralizes every action performed by a component in order to dispatch these events to all other objects that need to know information.

It could be seen as a design pattern quite accessible in term of complexity.


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