Electronics - IAR Systems - Setting up the IAR Embedded Workbench for the STM32L-DISCOVERY board

It's not essentially easy to set up the IAR Embedded Workbench for a new project.

All boards are different and all microcontrollers too.

In our case we will be using the STM32L152RBT6 one.

So, if you didn't use neither IAR nor the STM32L-DISCOVERY board, it would be a bit complicated to begin playing with your new toys.

Electronics - MSP430 - Managing P1DIR and P1OUT registers to blink the red and green LEDs

This tutorial has to be seen as the most easy code that is possible to do with a MSP430 LaunchPad and then totally adapted for beginners.

Indeed, we are going to blink together the red and the green LEDs by explaining what we are doing with the famous P1DIR and P1OUT registers.

So, let's do it!

Electronics - MSP430 - Using the temperature demo GUI

Without changing anything, it's possible to check the current temperature with the MSP430 board and the default software.

Indeed, Texas Instruments provides a tool to display the temperature on your computer's screen.

So, let's go and display temperature with the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Electronics - MSP430 - Restoring the default software

Once you've received your MSP430 board, you couldn't stop playing with it, clicking on every button, downloading all software you could find.

But at a moment, you said to yourself: "Eh, how can I do to restore the default software?"

That's what we're going to see in this tutorial to restore the demo default software.

Electronics - IAR Systems - Enabling the download binary file option to the board

Maybe you tried to compile a project. All was OK.

But when you wanted to download the binary into the board, nothing happened.

What's going on?!

The debugger has to be configured!

Let's see this in this tutorial to enable the downloading of binary files.

Electronics - IAR Systems - Errors using the Embedded Workbench IDE

Using the IAR Embedded Workbench can be really helpful.

But what happens when come errors during development?

Let's try to solve problems encounter with this IDE.

Electronics - STM32 - Using the ADC peripheral with a potentiometer

ADC is one on the most famous peripheral on a microcontroller.
In this tutorial we will see that it's possible to retrieve data from a potentiometer and send them in an array.

You are certainly wondering how to use a such thing on a STM32?

That's a good question.

Electronics - Keil - Creating a project by copying a default example

You are likely playing with your MDK-ARM uVision4 IDE with default examples provided by the ST firmware.

But each time you try to change something you see a message saying that the project is read only.

Therefor in this tutorial we will create our own project by copying an example provided in order to customize it.

Electronics - Keil - Errors using uVision4 MDK-Lite

In this tutorial we will see errors discovered by playing with the IDE uVision4 MDK-Lite.

Of course detailed errors and solutions are provided and will be added if more errors would be found.

Simple and easy, so let's get started.

Electronics - STM32 - Installation on Windows

Before going mad, by installing a STM32 board on your Windows OS, let's see how to install it with a simple way.

If you asked yourself what was going on, don't worry, you are not alone in this case.

Let's see how to resolve this problem with this tutorial.


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