Submitted by Mi-K on Monday, April 9, 2012 - 12:04pm
The extern keyword is designed to explicitely tells someone, being watching a variable in a code, that this variable has been firstly declared in another file.
Submitted by Mi-K on Thursday, April 5, 2012 - 3:01pm
The vector container is the most classic STL container.
In the snippet below, I can iterate through the vector, so I use an iterator to erase an element of the vector.
In our case, I removed the number 2 from the container and I added 80 to this place.
Submitted by Mi-K on Thursday, April 5, 2012 - 1:53pm
We are going to see in this queue tutorial, how to use it.
Let's see it with this first snippet.
In the easy example below, we add 10 elements in the queue before displaying its content.
We have to notice that we cannot iterate through a queue.