C++ - Design pattern - Decorator

The Decorator design pattern allows an object to be decorated in different ways not by inheriting from another class but by adding features directly to this object.

It's main interest is to avoid multiplication of classes that would be almost the same as the main one.

This design pattern has an interesting architecture even if not so easy to understand at first.

Let's see how this Decorator design pattern works.

First of all

Link to the Github repository: 

The heart of the Decorator design pattern is a kind of recursion or something like a linked list.

Each time a data is changed, we call the Decorator object in order to call the IDecorator passed to this Decorator.

And this until we don't have any IDecorator to use.

As final step we return the object we wanted to decorate.

So it's not the main object that decorates itself but the decorator that adds features to the main object, that's an important point.

To illustrate this explanation we're going to use an example with a DShipTiny class that we will decorate with a Shield, a Weapon and a Bomb.

Each decorator got a weight and so each time we add a decorator, the ShipTiny weight increases.

At the end the final weight is the sum of the ShipTiny default weight plus all other decorators.



// Badprog.com

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Decorator.h"

// Constructor
Decorator::Decorator(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator)
: _decorator(std::move(decorator)) {
std::cout << "Decorator created." << std::endl;

// Destructor
Decorator::~Decorator() {
std::cout << "Decorator destroyed." << std::endl;

// getWeight
double Decorator::getWeight(double weight) {
std::cout << "Weight from Decorator." << std::endl;
_weight += weight;
return _decorator->getWeight(_weight);




// Badprog.com

#include <memory>
#include "IDecorator.h"

// Decorator
class Decorator : public IDecorator
  Decorator(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator = nullptr);
  virtual ~Decorator();

virtual double getWeight(double weight) override;

double _weight;




// Badprog.com

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "DecoratorBomb.h"

// Constructor
DecoratorBomb::DecoratorBomb(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator)
: Decorator(std::move(decorator)) {
std::cout << "Decorator bomb created." << std::endl;
_weight = 50;

// Destructor
DecoratorBomb::~DecoratorBomb() {
std::cout << "Decorator bomb destroyed." << std::endl;

// getWeight
double DecoratorBomb::getWeight(double weight) {
std::cout << "Weight from bomb." << std::endl;
_weight += weight;
std::cout << "Weight = " << _weight << std::endl;
return Decorator::getWeight(_weight);




// Badprog.com

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "Decorator.h"

// DecoratorBomb
class DecoratorBomb : public Decorator
  DecoratorBomb(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator = nullptr);

  double getWeight(double weigth) override;

double _weight;




// Badprog.com

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "DecoratorShield.h"

// Constructor
DecoratorShield::DecoratorShield(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator)
: Decorator(std::move(decorator)) {
std::cout << "Decorator shield created." << std::endl;
_weight = 150;

// Destructor
DecoratorShield::~DecoratorShield() {
std::cout << "Decorator shield destroyed." << std::endl;

// getWeight
double DecoratorShield::getWeight(double weight) {
std::cout << "Weight from shield." << std::endl;
_weight += weight;
std::cout << "Weight = " << _weight << std::endl;
return Decorator::getWeight(_weight);



// Badprog.com

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "Decorator.h"

// DecoratorShield
class DecoratorShield : public Decorator
  DecoratorShield(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator = nullptr);

  double getWeight(double weight) override;

double _weight;




#include "stdafx.h"

// Badprog.com

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "DecoratorWeapon.h"

// Constructor
DecoratorWeapon::DecoratorWeapon(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator)
: Decorator(std::move(decorator)) {
std::cout << "Decorator weapon created." << std::endl;
_weight = 75;

// Destructor
DecoratorWeapon::~DecoratorWeapon() {
std::cout << "Decorator weapon destroyed." << std::endl;

// getWeight
double DecoratorWeapon::getWeight(double weight) {
std::cout << "Weight from weapon." << std::endl;
_weight += weight;
std::cout << "Weight = " << _weight << std::endl;
return Decorator::getWeight(_weight);



// Badprog.com

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "Decorator.h"

// DecoratorWeapon
class DecoratorWeapon : public Decorator
  DecoratorWeapon(std::unique_ptr<IDecorator> decorator = nullptr);

  double getWeight(double weight) override;
double _weight;



// Badprog.com

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include "DShipTiny.h"
#include "DecoratorShield.h"
#include "DecoratorWeapon.h"
#include "DecoratorBomb.h"

// Main
int main()
  auto ship = std::make_unique<DecoratorShield>(

  double weightByDefault = 100;
  std::cout << "New weight after all decorators: " <<
    ship->getWeight(weightByDefault) << std::endl;

return 0;



// Badprog.com

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "DShipTiny.h"

// Constructor
DShipTiny::DShipTiny() {
std::cout << "ShipTiny created." << std::endl;

// Destructor
DShipTiny::~DShipTiny() {
std::cout << "ShipTiny destroyed." << std::endl;

// decorate
double DShipTiny::getWeight(double weight) {
std::cout << "Final weight from DShipTiny." << std::endl;
return weight; // last and final return from the recursion




// Badprog.com

#include "IDecorator.h"

// DShipTiny
class DShipTiny : public IDecorator

  double getWeight(double weight) override;





// Badprog.com

#include <memory>
#include <string>

// IDecorator
class IDecorator
  virtual ~IDecorator() {};
  virtual double getWeight(double weight) = 0;




Compiling, linking and running

g++ *.cpp -o go.exe -std=c++1y ; ./go.exe


ShipTiny created.

Decorator created.

Decorator bomb created.

Decorator created.

Decorator weapon created.

Decorator created.

Decorator shield created.

Weight from shield.

Weight = 250

Weight from Decorator.

Weight from weapon.

Weight = 325

Weight from Decorator.

Weight from bomb.

Weight = 375

Weight from Decorator.

Final weight from DShipTiny.

New weight after all decorators: 375

Decorator shield destroyed.

Decorator destroyed.

Decorator weapon destroyed.

Decorator destroyed.

Decorator bomb destroyed.

Decorator destroyed.

ShipTiny destroyed.


The DShipTiny object was initialized with a weight of 100 and after all decorators added, this weight is passed to 375.

With the debug trace we can see how the different weights have been added successively.

And it was exactly what we wanted to have as a result.

Once again good job, you did it. laugh

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