With the awk FILENAME builtin variable, we are able to retrieve the name of the file passed as argument during the execution.
It will avoid us to use a regex command line. Sometimes interesting.
Let's see this.
In the example below, we're going to retrieve the name of the file used as argument and display it. But only if we are scanning the first line.
For that, we're going to use the FNR variable, also a awk builtin variable, to check where we are.
If we're in the first line, we will display the file name.
Georges William 12-2-1967 M 1895602 John Maynard 7-4-1944 W 981502 Wolfgang Amadeus 3-11-1938 M 64158674102 Ludwig SCHMILL 11-28-1957 M 5648510 Antonio VAVILDA 5-16-1937 M Hugues Ofrette 8-11-1958 M 4515660 Dagobert ELOY 7-14-1905 M 0225415487 Akio Shamiwara 1-2-1965 n 4 Antonio SZWPRESWKY 16-5-8937 M 0298358745
#!/bin/awk # Begin BEGIN { FS=" "; }; # Dev { if (FNR == 1) { print("The name file is:", FILENAME) } print FNR, $0 } # End END {}
awk -f bp2.awk customers.txt
File name is: customers.txt 1 Georges William 12-2-1967 M 1895602 2 John Maynard 7-4-1944 W 981502 3 Wolfgang Amadeus 3-11-1938 M 64158674102 4 Ludwig SCHMILL 11-28-1957 M 5648510 5 Antonio VAVILDA 5-16-1937 M 6 Hugues Ofrette 8-11-1958 M 4515660 7 Dagobert ELOY 7-14-1905 M 0225415487 8 9 Akio Shamiwara 1-2-1965 n 4 10 Antonio SZWPRESWKY 16-5-8937 M 0298358745
You've made it.
Well done.
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