The list data type is like a container.
So we can manage it like an array in other programming languages.
In this tutorial of the Python 3 data type list, we are going to play with all methods of the list.
You can find the count() and index() methods in the listManager() function that I created below.
''' Display what there is into myList ''' def listManager(myType, myList): i = 0 name = 50 listSize = myList.__len__() print("\n--> " + myType) print("Number of items = " + str(listSize)) print("Number of \"" + str(name) + "\" value = " + str(theList.count(name)) + ".") try: occurrence = theList.index(name) except ValueError as myError: print("Error:", myError) print("The first occurrence of " + str(name) + " is at index: " + str(occurrence) + ".") for i in myList: print(i) ''' End of listManager ''' theList = ["Hello", "World", 50] listManager("classic", theList) theList.append("Hello") listManager("append", theList) theList[0] = 21 listManager("adding by index", theList) theList.insert(1, "John") listManager("insert", theList) secondList = [34, 12, 57, "Gorgeous"] theList.extend(secondList) listManager("extend", theList) theList.pop() listManager("pop", theList) theList.remove("World") theList.remove("John") theList.remove("Hello") listManager("remove", theList) theList.sort(key=None, reverse=False) listManager("sort", theList) theList.reverse() listManager("reverse", theList)
--> classic Number of items = 3 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 2. Hello World 50 --> append Number of items = 4 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 2. Hello World 50 Hello --> adding by index Number of items = 4 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 2. 21 World 50 Hello --> insert Number of items = 5 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 3. 21 John World 50 Hello --> extend Number of items = 9 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 3. 21 John World 50 Hello 34 12 57 Gorgeous --> pop Number of items = 8 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 3. 21 John World 50 Hello 34 12 57 --> remove Number of items = 5 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 1. 21 50 34 12 57 --> sort Number of items = 5 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 3. 12 21 34 50 57 --> reverse Number of items = 5 Number of "50" value = 1. The first occurrence of 50 is at index: 1. 57 50 34 21 12
A great data type, isn't it?
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