You like C and C++ but you need some help to access audio, joystick, keyboard, video framebuffer, etc.
That's why you would like to use the SDL library.
But, there is still a problem, you don't know how to install it with Eclipse.
OK, let's try it with this tutorial installation.
We assume that you have already installed MinGW in this directory: C:\soft\mingw.
Let's get started by downloading the development libraries of your choice on the official website:
So let's take the SDL-devel-LAST_VERSION-mingw32.tar.gz version.
Open it and extract:
into C:\soft\mingw\bin
into C:\soft\mingw\include
And finally:
into C:\soft\mingw\lib
So we have now:
Open, for example, a C++ project.
Right click its name > Properties (or just use the ALT + ENTER shortcut).
Then C/C++ Build > Settings.
On the right there are multiple tabs.
Select the Tool Settings one.
On the list, click Libraries (sub part of the C++ Linker of your choice, for example MinGW).
On the right, there are two panels: Libraries (-l) and Library search path (-L).
On the first (Libraries), click the + icon to add the following libraries, in the same order or it won't work:
What you are doing there is to add libraries that you have just added before in the MinGW folder.
These libraries can be found in the C:\soft\mingw\lib directory.
They have the .a extension as all libraries in C and C++.
Click Apply and OK to return to your project.
You can now test this setup of SDL on Eclipse with an Hello World tutorial!.