Symfony 1 - Security - Authentication

Symfony 1 uses the YAML files to secure the application.

For example, in this tutorial, we can see with the backend side how to secure the entire application.
But we can also secure only the index of a module or all others webpages excepted the index.
This, with an authenfication.

PHP 5 - PEAR - Installation

In this tutorial, we will see how to install PEAR with PHP 5 on Windows 7.

We, of course, assume that you already installed PHP.

For example, the PHP path installation is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php-5

Inside there is a file named:


Double click it.

Symfony 1 - Test Unit - With Doctrine and a database

In this test unit tutorial of the Symfony 1 framework, we will take examples to show how it works with Doctrine and a database.

First of all, you have to set up a database to test and create some fixtures.
If you have not done it yet, take a look at this tutorial:

Symfony2 - Release 2.0

Fabien Potencier and his team launched the first release of Symfony2 Thursday, July 28th 2011.

You can see more details on the official blog:


JAVA SE 7 - Available now ready to download

Today JAVA SE 7 is officially released.

You can download it on the JAVA website:

PHP 5 - Installation - On Windows

I made a tutorial with examples for the installation of Apache HTTP, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and some virtual host explanations, for Windows.

You can find this tutorial by following this link:

Symfony 1 - Routing - Creating a basic route

In this tutorial of the Symfony 1 framework, we will see how to create a new easy basic route.

Symfony 1 - MVC - How does it work?

In this tutorial I will show you how the symfony framework works with the MVC pattern.

Each application, for example the frontend, has one or several modules.

Each module has one or several Controllers and Views.

Eclipse - Indigo - PHP installation with PHP Development Tools (PDT)

With the last Eclipse version, Indigo, there is no special IDE for PHP.
So you have either to install the Helios PDT version or install Indigo and then install PDT.

I love innovation, so I will show you how to install, in this tutorial, the new Indigo version and then PDT within.

MySQL - Installation - On Windows

I made a tutorial with examples for the installation of Apache HTTP, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and some virtual host explanations, for Windows.

You can find this tutorial by following this link:


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